Study mechatronic and robotics engineering

Students studying mechatronic and robotics

Mechatronic and robotics engineering — part of the wider field of Automatic Control Systems Engineering — plays a huge role in industries worldwide. Study at University of Sheffield and look forward to exciting career opportunities.

Mechatronic and robotic engineering at University of Sheffield

The Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering was established more than 50 years ago and has been making advances in the field ever since. It is now the largest department of its type in Europe.

During your degree, you will learn to design and test transforming robots, autonomous vehicles and other complex electro-mechanical systems. You will work with modern microprocessor technology and also explore advanced concepts including manufacturing systems, noise and vibration control, spacecraft systems and robot technology.

When you graduate, you will be confident you have the skills you need to succeed in your career.

Mechatronic and robotic engineering degree options at University of Sheffield

Undergraduate programmes

International Foundation Year students can progress to degrees including:

  • BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering
  • BEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering
  • MEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering
  • MEng Computer Systems Engineering

Postgraduate programmes

Pre-Masters students can progress to degrees including: 

  • MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering
  • MSc Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
  • MSc Robotics

Places are limited on some degree courses, so you are advised to apply and confirm your place as soon as possible.

Degree preparation at the International College

The University of Sheffield International College offers specialist university preparation for international students. On our pathway programmes, you will study key subject modules to prepare you for your degree, while also building confidence in your English language and study skills. Whether you are aiming for undergraduate or postgraduate study, you will have the confidence to succeed once you progress to the University of Sheffield.

Mechatronic and robotic engineering?

Mechatronic and robotic engineering will help you develop a broad range of transferrable skills for your career. Some of the benefits include:


As part of your degree, you will learn computer programming languages and algorithm design, both skills that are highly in demand in today's workplaces.


Group work is key for engineers to troubleshoot problems. The ability to share knowledge, listen and lead teams is a valuable skill no matter what job you choose when you graduate.

Problem solving

Engineering is all about solving problems. From improving processes to doing jobs humans can't, the systems created by engineers drive efficiency in all areas of life. You will graduate with resilience and perseverance, understanding that things don't always work the first time you try them.

Why study engineering at Sheffield? | #MadeinSheffield

What can I do with a mechatronic and robotics degree?

Sheffield graduates work in a range of engineering fields, such as manufacturing, power generation and sustainable energy, with companies including British Airways, Rolls-Royce, IBM, and Unilever. You could also become a researcher.

Engineering careers include:

  • systems engineer
  • robotics engineer
  • automation engineer

Related careers include:

  • production manager
  • computer scientist
  • lecturer.

Mechatronic and robotic engineering FAQs

What is the study of mechatronic and robotic engineering?

We are surrounded by machines –including robots, turbines and engines. These can be used for jobs that may be considered too menial, repetitive or dangerous for humans to perform. Mechatronic and robotics engineering deals with the design, construction and operation of these systems and the computer programmes that run them.

How can I study mechatronic and robotic engineering?

If you want to study mechatronic and robotic engineering at university you will need to meet certain entry requirements. You will need high grades at A Level or the equivalent, typically in Maths and Physics. If you want to study mechatronic and robotic engineering in the UK as an international student, you can study the International Foundation Year in Science and Engineering which will prepare you for a degree at the University of Sheffield.

How much money can you make in mechatronic and robotic engineering?

Studying a degree in mechatronic and robotic engineering will allow you to pursue a variety of careers with a range of different salaries. As a systems engineer, you could earn an average of £57,500, while as an automation engineer the average salary in the UK is £50,432.

How long is a mechatronic and robotic engineering degree?

An undergraduate degree in mechatronic and robotic engineering lasts three years. Some universities offer the chance to do a year’s work placement, making the course four years in length.

What subjects do I need to study mechatronic and robotic engineering?

To study a degree in mechatronic and robotic engineering you will typically need to have studied Maths and a science subject at A Level or equivalent. Other subjects that can help you when applying to study mechatronic and robotic engineering at university include Computer Science, Chemistry, Further Maths and Design and Technology.

Do you need maths for mechatronic and robotic engineering?

Mechatronic and robotic engineering use maths throughout the course. You will be using methods such as algebra, geometry and control theory, so a maths qualification will be hugely beneficial for your degree.

What skills are needed for robotics?

Key skills needed for robotics include:

  • Numeracy
  • Communication
  • Programming
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Persistence
  • Critical thinking

Note: Salary information is sourced externally. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the salary ranges.